Friday, November 13, 2020




Picture at 6:30 in the am of all the missionaries leaving Dallas Mission.
And she's home! We watched the flight app and knew right when she landed.  With Covid restrictions we weren't allowed in the airport, and had to wait in the parking terrace.  
It was sooo good to see her walk around the corner and she started running to us. 

We borrowed a van so we could all go to the airport together.  It was so nice to be in one car!
All together, FINALLY!!

Last laminated lena picture~!
                               Grandma and Grandpa Munoa came up to welcome Malena home.

                                        Sis. Wind came to welcome her home.  We love this girl!
She has lots of friends stop by to say hello, and this is the only picture I got.  We played games, she visited                              with people, and we listened to stories.  It was a great day.  

Mom and Dad:  We are so proud of her and what she accomplished.  We can feel her testimony and strength.  She has grown up, and her light and love of Heavenly Father shine from her.  The mission was strange, with covid and the quarantine and restrictions that were placed on her and the missions around the world.  She battled thru, found amazingly creative ways to connect with people near and far.  She continued to impress up and surprise us with the new ways to be a missionary.  It was hard.  There were tears, but Malena persevered and endured to the end.  She finished strong, became bold in declaring her testimony, and her leadership skills shown thru.  Well done, Sis. McKee! We love you.

Monday, November 9, 2020

Final Countdown

Well folks, this is it. My final weekly email. I thank all y'all who stuck around til the end, and who have laughed, cried and been incredibly awkward with me these last 17 months. I am so thankful for my time as a missionary, it means more to me than anything I've ever done, and I'm still shocked it's over! This mission for the Lord has been the best thing I've ever done, and probably will be the best thing I ever do, until I figure out how to scuba dive to the Titanic. 

This week was pretty good! It flew by so fast. We were watching our neighbors dog, Hurricane, all week, and he was a huge help in furthering the work of the Lord. 
On Tuesday we had a district council on making friends, which I requested so I know how to talk to people when I get home. Then, we went on exchanges and Hna. Steveson came with me, who is the cutest person I've ever met. She is very regal. We went and picked up trash at a cemetery for service and it was actually really fun. The Catholic cemetery was really dirty and there was a lot of trash there, but the Jewish graveyard was really well kept. We don't know what's going on there. 
Then Steveson and I went to the park and walked Hurricane and we were doing comp study. We had Hurricane tied to our bench and people would walk past and try to pet it and then we'd give them a picture of Jesus. Well, this woman walked up to us and was petting our dog then asked if she could sit down and talk to us. It was amazing! Her name is Janet and she told us that she has really been struggling lately and knows that God put us in her path! We talked to her for like 30 minutes and it was sooo good! After she left, me and Steveson were so excited and she kept saying "this is why we are here! I loved that!!" It was so hype. We also had a really good lesson with Kristy, and finally got her to start opening up a little more and she shared some more insights into why she is the way she is, which is awesome! Then, she came to institute with us and they put the plan of salvation on the board and she actually recognized that the teacher drew it up wrong, so that is incredible! I love Kristy so much!
We had a Bible study with Jash on Wednesday and another investigator that was supposed to come at 4 came at 3 and wanted to join! Jash had called the night before asking if we believe in the trinity so we were worried, but JASH DID AMAZING! He explained everything perfectly and testified and dang- that guy should have a badge because he did so good. I was so proud of him. 
On Thursday we had MLC and I got to see some people before I skidaddle and it was so good. 
We also had a really good lesson with Alana, and she didn't bash us as much this time! She told us that while she doesn't believe in modern revelation, she knows that she needs to pray about it and figure it out, and is so willing to try new things! She also came to church this Sunday and really liked it! 
That night, we had biked to Alana's but we didn't put lights on our bikes, and my comp refused to bike in the dark, so we did the funnest thing, WE WALKED OUR BIKES 2 MILES HOME. HAHAH. It actually wasn't that bad, and we just walked on the sidewalk. It was really funny. The, we passed all these weird homeless people who were staring at us, so I called the elders and made them talk to us until we passed them, like they could do anything. it was really fun. 
We had another Bible study with Jash on Saturday and it was my last one and it was so sad. Jash was sad and climbed on the wall and pretended to be me, because I did that once, because he wasn't listening to me. Then, we all went and looked at a giant eyeball in the middle of town. What a team. 
We also went to a different graveyard and raked leaves and picked up trash with our district. There was one of those walk-in tombs with cupboards, and I swept it out, then an elder told me I probably swept a bunch of ashes outside, so there is an #awkwardmalenamoment
Sunday night we went to the park and I realized it's my last day as a missionary, and I didn't want to leave. We stayed at the park for like 4 hours, talking to people. I remembered that there is a difference between "not approaching" and "not inviting" and we found 2 people just by talking to people from 10 feet away! It was so good! Then, my phone died and it was dark and I really didn't want it to end, so Sister Dixon patiently walked with me as I passed out pass along cards to kids in the dark. It was depressing, but I loved it.  
I want to end this final email with my testimony. I know God lives. I know He loves us so much. I know the Book of Mormon is the word of God, I also know the Bible to be the word of God. I have seen the gospel improve people's lives and help people find peace in their life. I can't even sum up what my mission has meant to me. 18 months is not that long to preach the gospel, and I hope I can continue to do so for the rest of my life. I am grateful for my Savior, Jesus Christ, he has given me the chance to repent, and to find peace in this life that constantly makes us want to feel like we aren't enough. I am forever thankful that I took this leap of faith and came on a mission, because I don't think I knew the church was true when I came, and I never thought I'd finish, but God is good, and he helps us through our hard times. This mission has been the hardest thing I've ever done, but what great thing doesn't suck sometimes! Thank you all for supporting me on my mission and cheering me on! 
I love you all, and will see you soon! 
- Sister McKee


Sis. Menlove

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Road Work Ahead Sign

Hello peeps, 

This week seriously flew by!
Monday at pday I was challenged in Pokemon so I tried playing and I WON! I literally have no idea how I did because Elder Boyle was playing through me, but that victory carried me through the week. It's the little things.
Monday night we also met Tasha, who wanted to hear about the Book of Mormon, but turns out she is super pregnant so she can't talk as much. But, she is so cool! 
Tuesday we had a lesson with Jash, but it's frigid again, so we called a hotel and they said we could sit in their lobby as long as we pray for them! It was so nice! Jash is doing pretty good this week! He no longer wants to be a Muslim, so we are pretty proud, he also made it a month of being a member. It's been rough, but he's doing so much better! Small steps.
We also had 2 lessons with Kristy this week and they went pretty good! She came to church yesterday and told us she didn't drink all weekend, and has read to Mosiah!!! So awesome! She is so great! 
I went on exchanges to the Spanish area this week with Hrn. Vestal and it was a blast! We had a lot of fun and she tried to teach me a scripture in Spanish for a lesson we had. But to her avail, I am still terrible at Spanish. At one point during a member visit, I had been quiet the whole time (because, I speak no Spanish) and they asked if we wanted drinks or anything (and I understood that), but Vestal said "esta bien" and then I said very loudly and while singing "esta bien!" And it was very awkward and that's the extent of my Spanish. Then, in the car Vestal told me I was actually copying everything she was saying really quietly, sub consciously. Haha, it was a great experience. 
I went on another exchange with Sister Lamb and it was so fun! 
On Saturday was Halloween and we had a car wash with our zone and the whole time everyone kept asking "dont you go home in 2 weeks?" It was really fun, 
That night we had to be home by 6, and after we weekly planned I tried to make us all ghost costumes. No one else wanted to but here is a picture of me as a ghost. 

We are each other for Halloween.

On Sunday we had a lesson with another members girlfriend named Alana!! She was so cool and has done a ton of research on the church, and so we had a very long discussion and it was so good! She is so nice! 
Awkward Malena Moment:
We had gone to help this lady move with the 4 elders and when we got to her house, she texted us and told us she didn't want help anymore. Depressing. So, we were walking in the city, and I looked down to text someone to confirm our lesson, and as I was walking, with all 6 of us, I hit my head perfectly on the corner of a road work ahead sign! And I hit it really hard. And no one stopped me! It hurt a lot, I had a big bruise on my head. Really funny. Then later, Throck told jash about it in our lesson and they all laughed at me. 
I love this gospel so much! It brings me so much peace and answers! Although God wants us to turn to him and ask questions, he doesn't want us to be left in the dark. He has provided the answers! Just ask him! 
I love you all! 
-Sister McKee 

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

No, you shouldn't join the Islam church....

Hello everyone! 

This week passed so fast! I swear, it was Monday night and then I blinked (which sometimes takes longer because my contacts dry out, but not much longer) and now it is Monday again! 
Monday night we recorded a video, Mckinnon, Hna. Harris and I. It was really fun. Elder Mckinnon is getting transferred and I am sad, because he's pretty cool, so we took some pics. I feel like his mission mom, I kept telling him to make sure he buckles up and wears his sweater because it's gonna get cold. 
On Tuesday we had a lesson with Jash and he is doing alright. Then, the elders told me my dress looks like a picnic blanket and asked me to lay on the grass to look the part, pictures included. 
Tuesday night we had a lesson with Tye, who was a referral and she is so cool!! We told her about the Book of Mormon and she started getting really excited and said "can you come over to my house and teach me about your Book of Mormans!" We went over last night and she loved everything we taught her! We have to give her to the sisters there in the family ward because she isn't YSA, so currently our teaching pool is back to 2 people.
On Wednesday and Thursday Hna. Seitz and I gave the same training at district councils 5 times!! It was about member missionary work and I had written a song called "50 ways to work with members" and each time we thought it was so funny, and each time everyone just stared at us. It was a well written song though, I promise.
We are having lessons with Jash almost every day, and Saturday night we call him and he says "so I believe the Book of Mormon is true, and I know this is God's true church, but my friend is teaching me about Islam, and I've been reading the Koran and I'm just really open minded to it. Its really interesting." So that's great. We tried to tell him that if he believes the Book of Mormon is true, then this must be the true church, but he didn't get that. 
We are worried about him, but I talked to president and he said "some people struggle in the church or out of the  church, but they are still children of God, so it's better to struggle in the church.” And, if that ain't the truth I don't know what is. We all struggle, and it's better to struggle with the truth than without it. 
We texted a man named Latre, because we had this awesome lesson then we haven't been able to get ahold of him. Well, he texts us and all he says is “unsubscribe." It was really sad, but also really funny. 
On Friday we also had dinner and a lesson with Donna and it went so good! She is so cute and we talked all about repentance. Donna is a member in another ward who wants to come back, but wanted sister missionaries to help her! So, we get too! We've been meeting with her for about a month now and she is darling! She wanted to make us dinner this week and we also sent her a chapter to read and she called us to share all her insights and ask us questions about it! She is so awesome! 
We ran into Jenni, our basher friend last Monday, and she was so excited to see us! She really is the nicest basher I've ever met! We also had a member at church who asked us "who was that blonde girl you brought to church 3 weeks ago, because if you need help teaching her, I promise I will take a special interest in fellow shipping..." then he kept coming back and reminding us to put his name down so the next missionaries don't forget to take him. It was so funny. 
So, I didn't fall off my bike, but while at a stop light, my bike fell on me, there is a scar. It did almost break my basket, which is a high commodity here, everyone wants it, but I fixed it. 
I gave a talk yesterday about sheep, and how we all need to work to gather them into the fold, and it was so funny. I wanted to wing it, but Sister Dixon told me to prepare, because when I try to wing talks they go terrible. This one did not go terribly, and I get really excited about the work of the Lord and was later described as "engaging" and "energetic" which are 2 great things considering I was telling everyone how they have to be like sheep. 
I love you all! Have a great week! 
-Sister McKee